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2019 Multichannel Retail Report
A 2019 Multichannel Retail Report landed in our inbox recently identifying the top and bottom-ranking UK high street retailers. It gives performance..
Winter Fashion Shoot
Preparations for our location shoots always start with a weather report! Being winter and finding a suitable window with the right conditions becomes..
Bravissimo - harnessing technology
When it comes to harnessing technology to help streamline working practise, Bravissimo have not held back! The brand, whose mission is to inspire big..
Charity Dress Down Day!
It’s almost here! The most stressful (sorry, wonderful) time of the year! And we’ve all come to work today in our bestest, festive jumpers to raise..
It's Party Time!
A fab time was had by one and all when virtually the whole of ec2i (that’s over 60 of us) descended on the gloriously decorated Roslin Beach Hotel..
Festive Shopping
Is there still a place for the high street store? Recent research into the shopping habits of 2,000 UK consumers by retail solutions company aptos..
In the Pink
It's always good to work with a new client so, when we were asked to design and produce Pink Boutique's first ever printed catalogue, we jumped at..
Retouching for email
Many times during our working days we are required to adapt images for other purposes. Sometimes the shot taken may be great for a catalogue but not..
Halloween is upon us and, in the spirit (!) of the event, ec2i thought it would be fun to invite staff to dress up for the day and make a small..
Autumn Glory
It was a cold misty 6am start, with a mission to refresh our new website imagery. Our team arrived on location excited for the day ahead, all wrapped..